Book #17 has been selected and we’ll have our noses in it for the next few weeks! This our second Seth Godin read, back in Episode #6 we discussed All Marketers Are Liars. You can order your copy of Poke the Box by Seth Godin. Get it off Amazon and read along with us, or listen to the audio book!
Book Description
Poke the Box is a manifesto by bestselling author Seth Godin that just might make you uncomfortable. It’s a call to action about the initiative you’re taking-–in your job or in your life. Godin knows that one of our scarcest resources is the spark of initiative in most organizations (and most careers)-–the person with the guts to say, “I want to start stuff.” Poke the Box just may be the kick in the pants you need to shake up your life.
If you have suggestions for future books to be read for the show, questions for us or just something you need to say — contact us on Facebook, Twitter, join our GoodReads Pagebreak Podcast group or send us an email.
I LOVE THIS BOOK! It seriously got me energized so much at work AND it spread like wildfire around the office. So much so, that our leadership team bought every single person in the company a copy. Excellent choice! :)
YAY! Now I am even MORE excited about it! :) Thanks for continuing to listen to the show and support us, Nikki! :)